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7 Proven H Pylori Natural Treatment That Works!

This could be the reason for your Acid Reflux. 66% of world´s population has H.Pylori Infection. 66% of world´s population is suffering from Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. It is more common in developing countries, where hygiene is an issue. H. Pylori grow in the digestive tract and have a tendency to attack the stomach lining. H.Pylori causes chronic inflammation and infection in the stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach)
Why Is It So Important To Get This Bacteria Out Of Our System
H.Pylori infection does not cause immediate symptoms, but long-term it can cause ulcers in the stomach lining. These ulcers cause pain when stomach acid gets in contact with them. As a pain remedy, you visit your doctor and he will prescribe an acid blocking medication called Antacid. Stomach acid aids in: - Proper Digestion of the food - Mineral absorption from the food - Kills other bacteria. One should never ever try to suppress stomach acid. My mom told me that she has that tingling sensation all over the body. We tested her B12 and it was too low. B12 is responsible for proper nerve function. We gave her B12 injections and the tingling was gone. The tingling came back again and again. When I went deep into the problem, we discovered that B12 molecule needs the stomach acid to get absorbed in the body. Similarly, stomach acidity is responsible for absorption of so many minerals like: . Calcium: Can you imagine, not having enough stomach acid or overuse of antacids can cause Osteoporosis. Similarly, all the problems associated with Zinc Deficiency, Manganese, B12, and Calcium. That's why it is very important to treat H. Pylori Infection.
Real Reasons For H.Pylori Infection
1. Food allergies that you are unaware of. Normally doctors do not have so much time to go into depth analysis of your symptoms and test you for food allergies. When some doctors world wide actually did their work, they found out that mostly the food related problems were arising from "Gluten", that's why people are moving away from wheat and other gluten containing grains. I always argue with my clients that even if they do not have "Gluten Allergy", wheat and other grains anyways provide so fewer nutrients, why do you anyways want to consume grains in large quantity.
2. This bacteria is spread through mouth-to-mouth contact and contaminated food and water. Food and lifestyle choices enable the bacteria to proliferate in your gut. So, you can't help here.
3. Malabsorbed carbohydrates produce hydrogen gas in the intestines. Hydrogen gas is the preferred energy source for H. pylori. Excessive fructose, certain types of fiber and starch, and particularly wheat increase hydrogen production and thus increase the risk of infection by H. pylori and other pathogenic bacteria.
4. Low Stomach Acid. Generally, bacteria like H.Pylori are killed by stomach acid, but if your stomach acid is too low, bacteria like H.Pylori are born. It is difficult to say that you got low stomach acid and then H.Pylori infection or you got the first H.Pylori infection and then low stomach acid. When the pH of the stomach is 3 or lower, the normal between-meal “resting” level, bacteria don’t last more than fifteen minutes. But as the pH rises to 5 or more, many bacterial species can avoid the acid treatment and begin to thrive.
Test For H.Pylori
There are 4 different ways you can test the presence of this bacteria.
1. Stool test: H. pylori can be detected in your stool
2. Breath Test: H. pylori convert urea into carbon dioxide. You will consume something with urea and then carbon dioxide is measured in your breath.
3. Blood Test: This test can remain positive for years after an infection. So this is a little tricky one. Talk to your doctor about the same.
4. Tissue Biopsy: This involves endoscopy. So, this is a little uncomfortable procedure. My mom stays in India. I told my mom to get herself tested for H.pylori. She was tested positive. Then she asked her doctor, why she was never prescribed this test before. The doctor said because the test is expensive. It's like 80 Euros. It is unfortunately expensive. So, just in case you cannot afford this test. Your stomach acid can naturally kill this bacteria if it's high enough. Anyways, this article is about how to naturally increase stomach acid.
Conventional Treatment For H.Pylori
If you tested positive for H.Pylori the conventional treatment includes Medications like Antacids, proton pump blockers, and H2-histamine blockers. In total, you have to pop 15 different medicines for 2 weeks and the test is conducted again. This means after having 15 medicines for 2 weeks, still, the bacteria can survive.
If you have just little bit of acid reflux, try to treat them by populating more good bacteria by eating more probiotics and increasing stomach acidity. But, If you have severe symptoms like:
- Dark or tarry stools
- Diarrhoea
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting that can include vomiting blood
Then take antacids like H2 blockers, along with natural remedies. I would still suggest H2 blockers over PPI.
Natural Treatment For H Pylori
1. It was found that giving patients with H. pylori bacteria, 2 grams of ground black seeds daily along with omeprazole (an acid blocker) was more effective than the conventional treatment. Take 2 grams of Black Seeds daily for 2 weeks
2. Broccoli Sprouts: Take 50 grams of sprouts 2 times a day for 7 days and there are 90% chances that you will be free from this bacteria in 7 days.
3. Garlic: Take 2 cloves of garlic with lunch and in dinner.
4. Green Tea: Green Tea, in general, has very powerful antibacterial properties.
5. Add Probiotic Foods In Your Diet: Probiotics meaning good bacteria will help you fight off bad bacteria of any kind. If you are planning to add Probiotics and Probiotics in the supplement form, This is a great solution as they combined digestive enzymes with Probiotics and Prebiotics. Digestive Enzymes With Probiotics & Prebiotics If you have your gallbladder removed, I suggest these enzymes lifetime with every meal. The gallbladder is there in the body for a reason. It helps to digest fats. It secretes digestive enzymes to help break down fat. These digestive enzymes will help, break fats. There are so many vitamins like A, C, D, E, K which are fat-soluble. In the absence of these enzymes, you will become these vitamins deficient.
If acid is hurting your ulcers, a great solution is drinking Baking Soda: Sodium Bicarbonate, will neutralize the acidity and it won't hurt your ulcers. It si better than the antacid, because it won't suppress the stomach acid, but shift the Ph level. One full teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in an eight-ounce glass of water may ease the burn of acid reflux as it helps neutralize stomach acid.
6. Add extra virgin olive oil to your list of natural weapons for fighting and preventing H. pylori. Extra virgin olive oil is also one of the healthiest oils you can consume. Just make sure to add on your salads and not to cook with olive oil.
7. Mastic Gum A natural remedy that has been in use for many centuries and for which modern science has provided solid evidence of safety and efficacy is mastic, the gum resin of the mastic tree There is an extensive literature, going back many centuries, regarding its use for a variety of gastrointestinal ailments, including cancer
How To Naturally Increase Stomach Acidity
1. Bone Broth For Acidity
Bone broth is full of amino acid (a building block of proteins) Glutamine and Glycine. Glutamine: Helps in rebuilding the intestine wall, which is a major reason for food sensitivities and Autoimmune conditions. Glycine: Stimulated stomach acid production Irrespective is you have acidity or not, everyone should add this health drink in the diet.
2. Raw, Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
Acidity is typically due to too less acid in the stomach, to increase the acid, drink anything acidic before the meals like Apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut juice or Aloe Vera juice before the meals. This single habit will show profound effects on your health. If you have an ulcer, definitely skip using something acidic like apple cider vinegar for acid reflux, which may cause your belly even more aggravation. Later in this article, we will discuss more stomach ulcers. I recommend only purchasing apple cider vinegar in glass containers, or the vinegar will contain chemical contaminants that have leached out of the plastic.
3. Ginger For Acidity
Ginger can reduce the likelihood of acid flowing from your stomach back into your esophagus I drink 3 liters of water every day. I have a 1-liter jar. Every morning I add crushed ginger to the jar, with other options like mint leaves, cucumber, Turmeric and sometimes Aloe vera. But ginger is a must. I keep refilling the jar whole day. There is also a small weight loss tip here. If you are craving a lot of sugar on a particular day, add apple cider vinegar to your water jar and it will diminish your cravings.
4. Baking Soda ( Sodium Bicarbonate )
When proper ph is achieved, chyme (mushed food in the stomach ) triggers the release of sodium bicarbonate to achieve the ph that intestines need. That's why we say take Sodium Bicarbonate ( Baking soda ), so that food can pass from the stomach to the intestines.
5. Sea Salt :
Tell your body to make more HCL in your stomach: High-quality sea salt (Himalayan Salt). It provides chloride so that your body can make HCL.
Supplements To Deal With Acidity
1. B Vitamins or Let's say B-Complex: A Higher folic acid that is (B9 ), as shown 40% reduction in Acidity.
2. Glutamine: It is found in Bone Broth, Chicken, Fish, Eggs and Dairy. It is also helpful is repairing the damage done by the bacteria H.Pylori, as Glutamine is responsible for new cell growth. If you are planning to supplement look for L-Glutamine.
3.Betaine HCL: This is what I give it to my clients. Betaine HCL together with pepsin is a great solution, for raising stomach acid, for the people suffering from low stomach acid issues.
- Stomach acid is important for Digestion, Mineral absorption and fighting off other bacteria. Never try to take Antacid
- If you have stomach ulcers, you can temporarily try to neutralize the acidity with baking soda while trying to increase good bacteria, to fight off bad bacteria by taking probiotics.
- In the absence of stomach-acid people are more prone to B12, Zinc, Manganese and Calcium deficiency
If you would like to know more about treating acidity forever, do not forget to read this article. 100% Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Acid Reflux and Heartburn Forever What are your secret remedies for having a healthy digestive system? Our community members would love to hear from you. Please leave your comment below.
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